Course Title : Namaste React Live 🚀 - From Zero to Hero in 8 weeks
Course Teacher : Akshay Saini
In first session, we ran our code using file protocol, now we want to run it via http protocol, so we want to run server.
Studying Bundlers
A bundler is a development tool that combines many JavaScript code files into a single one that is production-ready loadable in the browser.
We can find more about bundlers here
In this course, we are studying parcel
By default, create-react-app uses Webpack
Studying package manager
- Loading javascript in html via type=”module” rather type=”script”
- Example package managers : yarn , npm
- Learn about difference between package, module, library
Initialising and running application
This initialises the application, runs an http server
npm init
npm install parcel -D
Learning Parcel in depth
- What parcel does behind the scenes (mostly)
- HMR - Hot Module Replacement
- File Watcher algorithm - C++
- Cleaning our Code
- Development and Production Build
- Super Fast build algorithm
- Image Optimisation
- Caching while development
- Compression
- Compatible with older version of browser (Babel)
- HTTPS on dev
- port Number
- Consistent Hashing Algorithm
- Zero Config
- Transitive dependencies
- Include parcel as development dependency in package.json
Learning React
- Include react and react-dom/client as dependency in package.json
- Learn about React Elements Composition
- Learn about React Element Props
- Learn about browserList as dependency (to restrict browser versions)
Code Reference
Reference to code commit what we learn in this session :