The Engineering Leadership Roadmap
The Engineering Leadership Roadmap

The Engineering Leadership Roadmap

Around two years ago, in 2022, I embarked on my Engineering Leadership journey at Bazaar Technologies. Surrounded by talented minds, we are a young and passionate team, navigating the transition from startup to scale-up. We juggle various assignments and learn on the fly, evolving from Software Developers to Engineering Managers and Engineering Leaders.

In this dynamic environment, I realized that aspiring Engineering Leaders often feel overwhelmed by the transitions—from Project to Team to Organization. Despite a lot of information available online, there was no cohesive framework for Engineering Leadership. Fortunately, in the past year (from 2023 onwards), many experienced leaders have started sharing their insights through blogs and newsletters, fostering communities like "CTOCraft" and "TheLeadDev."

Feeling the need to contribute, I decided to create a simple roadmap that captures the essence of an Engineering Leader's responsibilities. Acknowledging that it might not cover everything and includes some basics, I share this roadmap to provide a holistic perspective on the journey that might unfold.

In the upcoming blog posts, I'll delve into each area, offering details, tools, blogs, books, communities, and Notion templates. Feel free to reach out for any discussions.






Given the close relationship between Engineering Leadership, Product Teams, and Business Teams, it's vital to outline key areas in Product and Business where Engineering actively collaborates, participates, observes, and contributes.

